Leaderlike you!


Press Release

The Annie Story

When did slavery end ?

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LeaderLike You! Bringing leadership skills to the next level


Take the Leadership Survey!

3 Questions
1. How many years have you been in the work world i.e. you have reported to a “boss, manager or leader”?

2. Think back to all the jobs you ever had (…even before you were 21). In those years, how many great, inspiring, fantastic, leaders did you have who were able to truly lead, coach, manage, mentor, train, sponsor, and even consult to you in a consistent manner?

3. If you lead people today, or even led them in the past, how, on a scale from 1-10, would the people you led qualify you as a leader?

Thank you

The Checklist


IFIND A Solution to my conflict


Are your needs being met?


New Eyes Report

Preparing the voice

Team & Leader alignment in 7 points

Équipe & Leader, l'alignement en 7 points

